What Is Eyelid Repair?
Eyelid repair is a specialized reconstructive surgery that treats the condition ectropion or entropion eyelids. Ectropion is a "turning out" of the eyelid that prevents tears from draining out of the eye correctly, which often results in irritation. Entropion is a "turning in" of the eyelid that causes the lid and lashes to rub painfully against the cornea. Dr. James Gordon, an oculofacial plastic surgeon with offices in Westchester County and New York City, is an award-winning cosmetic surgeon with over 16 years of experience in eyelid repair surgery. Dr. Gordon performs eyelid repair to restore and enhance the natural beauty of his patients.
Ectropion Repair
Ectropion is a disorder in which the eyelids tend to turn outward, exposing the underside of the eyelid and leaving it vulnerable to infection. This may be accompanied by or contribute to the formation of ailments such as conjunctivitis, interstitial keratitis, and excessive dryness of the eyes.
Entropion Repair
Entropion is a disorder in which the eyelids tend to turn inward, causing irritation of the eye. It can be caused by a congenital defect, aging, spasm, inflammation from other ocular disorders or scars from previous trauma. The cornea can be severely irritated if this is not corrected.
Eyelid Repair Reviews
How Does Eyelid Repair Work?
Ectropion and entropion disorders generally needs to be corrected through a brief surgical procedure in which the eyelids are repositioned. The area is numbed with a local anesthetic and sometimes light sedation is provided as well. For ectropion or entropion due to muscle weakness, the surgery may involve the removal of a small section of eyelid to tighten the muscles in the area. When it is caused by scars or prior surgery, the procedure typically relies on a skin graft to allow a repositioning of the eyelid.
What Should I Expect with Eyelid Repair?
Most eyelid repair surgeries take about 30 minutes to complete. Patients should expect to have temporary swelling, redness, and mild pain around their eyes for the first 2 weeks after the surgery. Dr. Gordon advises patients to rest as much as possible and take at least 1 week off from work. Patients should schedule a follow up appointment for 2 weeks after the surgery so Dr. Gordon can evaluate their results and answer any questions or concerns the patient may have.

Plan Your Procedure
- Recovery Time
- 2 Weeks
- Average Procedure Time
- 30 Minutes
- Post-op Follow-up
- 2 Weeks
- Procedure Recovery Location
- Out-Patient
Eyelid Repair FAQs
What are the temporary treatment options?
Lubricating eye drops may be used to lessen certain symptoms such as dry eyes. Temporary relief can also sometimes be found by using Botox, skin tape to hold the eyelid in place or strategically placed stitches for patients with ectropion eyelids. Entropion eyelids can only be treated with eyelid surgery and surgery is the only permanent solution for ectropion eyelids.
What Are the Causes of Entropion and Ectropion eyelids?
Entropion eyelids usually occurs as a result of aging, but other causes can include injury, congenital defect and various inflammatory conditions. A spasm can cause the lid to turn inward. Ectropion eyelids can be caused by aging, facial nerve paralysis, a congenital birth defect, or scar tissue from previous trauma.
Should I Get One or Both Eyelids Repaired?
Dr. Gordon will customize each eyelid surgery to best suit the needs of the patient, including performing surgery on only one eyelid if needed. If both eyelids need surgery, but one needs more correction than the other, Dr. Gordon will adjust his technique to ensure the eyes and eyelids will be as even and symmetrical as possible.